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Charles-Albert LEHALLE

Senior Research Manager
Capital Fund Management (CFM)

Currently Senior Research Manager at Capital Fund Management (CFM), Charles-Albert Lehalle is a leading expert in market microstructure and optimal trading. Formerly Global Head of Quantitative Research at Crédit Agricole Cheuvreux, and Head of Quantitative Research on Market Microstructure in the Equity Brokerage and Derivative Department of Crédit Agricole Corporate Investment Bank, he studied intensively the market microstructure evolution since the financial crisis and regulatory changes in Europe and in the US. He provided research and expertise on this topic to investors and intermediaries, and is often heard by regulators and policy-makers like the European Commission, the French Senate, the UK Foresight Committee, etc. He belongs to the Consultative Workgroup on Financial Innovation of the ESMA and to the Scientific Committee of the French regulator (AMF).One of Charles-Albert Lehalle's important research topics is optimal trading. He published papers in academic journals about the use of stochastic control and stochastic algorithms to optimize a trading flow with respect to flexible constraints. He also authored papers on post trade analysis, market impact estimates and modelling the dynamics of limit order books, he co-edited the book "Market microstructure: confronting many viewpoints" (Wiley, 2012) following an eponymous serie of interdisciplinary international conferences he co-organizes. He authored the book "Market Microstructure in Practice" (World Scientific Publisher, 2013), explaining the main features of the modern market microstructure. Up to 2005,Charles-Albert headed research and development teams in the aerospace, defense and automotive industries, building innovating products in the fields of monitoring and unmanned control. He co-authored patents in these areas. With a Ph.D. in applied mathematics on stochastic processes, information theory and nonlinear control, Charles- Lehalle lectures at "Paris 6 (El Karoui) Master of Finance" (Ecole Polytechnique, ESSEC, Ecole Normale Supérieure) and MASEF/ENSAE one and gives occasional seminars at numerous universities worldwide.